David C. Rice, M.B., B.Ch.
Positions and Honors.
Positions and Employment
2001-Present Assistant Surgeon and Assistant Professor of Surgery, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
2004-Present Director, Mesothelioma Program, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
2004-Present Director, Minimally Invasive Surgery Program, Thoracic Surgery, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
1991 Arthur Ball Memorial Prize in Surgery
1991 Graduated with Class II Honors, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
1995 Travel Prize, America Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
1997 Kaare K. Nygaard Travel Award for Clinical Research
2002 Surgery Chief Resident Teaching Award, The University of Texas-Houston
Medical School Department of Surgery
The University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
St. James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Baylor College of Medicine and University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Fellowship in Thoracic Surgery
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. Oesterling, J.E., Rice, D.C., Glenski, W.J., and Bergstralh, E.J. Effect of cystoscopy, prostate biopsy, and transurethral resection of prostate on serum prostate-specific antigen concentration. Urology, 42(3):276-282, 1993.
2. Rice, D.C., Emory, R.E., McIlrath, D.C., and Meland, N.B. Chylous fistula: an unusual occurrence after mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., 93(2):399-401, 1994.
3. Rice, D.C., Agasthian, T., Clay, R.P., and Deschamps, C. Silicone thorax: a complication of tube thoracostomy in the presence of mammary implants. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 60(5):1417-1419, 1995.
4. Porter, L.E., Nelson, H., Ethem, G.I., Rice, D.C., Thibault, C., and Chapoval, A.I. T cell activation and retargeting using staphylococcal enterotoxin B and bispecfic antibody: an effective in vivo antitumor strategy. Cancer Immunol Immunother., 45(3-4):180-183, 1997.
5. Rice, D.C., Memon, M.A., Jamison, R.L., Farnell, M.B., Bannon, M.B., Zietlow, S.P., Sarr, M.G., van Heerden, J.A., and Donohue, J.H. Long-term consequences of intraoperative spillage of bile and gallstones during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J. Gastrointest. Surg., 1:85-91, 1997.
6. Rice, D.C., Chapoval, A.I., Porter, L., and Nelson H. Induction of antitumor immunity after cure of pulmonary metastases, using staphylococcal enterotoxin B and bispecific antibody. Cancer Immunol. Immunother., 48(5):230-238, 1999.
7. Rice, D.C., Morris, S.M., Sarr, M.G., Farnell, M.B., van Heerden, J.A., Grant, C.S., Rowland, C.M., Ilstrup, D.M., and Donohue, J.H. Intraoperative topical tetracycline sclerotherapy following mastectomy: a prospective, randomized trial. J. Surg. Oncol., 73(4):224-227, 2000.
8. Rice, D.C., Bakaeen, F.G., and van Heerden, J.A. Surgical management of duodenal leiomyomas. World J. Surg., 25(5):562-566, 2001.
9. LeMaire, S.A., Rice, D.C., Schmittling, Z.C., and Coselli, J.S. Emergency surgery for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms with acute presentation. J. Vasc. Surg., 35(6):1171-1178, 2002.
10. Vaporciyan, A.A., Rice, D., Correa, A.M., Walsh, G., Putnam, J.B., Swisher, S., Smythe, R., and Roth, J. Resection of advanced thoracic malignancies requiring cardiopulmonary bypass. Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg., 22(1):47-52, 2002.
11. Rice, D.C., and Putnam, Jr., J.B. Recurrent bronchogenic cyst causing recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg., 21:561-563, 2002.
12. Hofstetter, W., Swisher, S.G., Correa, A.M., Hess, K., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Ajani, J.A., Dolormente, M., Francisco, R., Komaki, R.R., Lara, A., Martin, F., Rice, D.C., Sarabia, A.J., Smythe, W.R., Vaporciyan, A.A., Walsh, G.L., Roth, J.A. Treatment outcomes of resected esophageal cancer. Ann. Surg., 236(3):376-385, 2002.
13. Rice, D., Bikkasani, N., Espada, R., Mattox, K., and Wall, M. Seat belt-related chondrosternal disruption with lung herniation. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 73(6):1950-1951, 2002.
14. Rice, D., Kim, H.W., Sabichi, A., Lippman, S., Lee, J.J., Williams, B., Vaporciyan, A., Smythe, W.R., Swisher, S., Walsh, G., Putnam, J.B., Hong, W.K., and Roth, J. The risk of second primary tumors after resection of stage I nonsmall cell lung cancer. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 76(4):1001-1008, 2003.
15. Ajani, J.A., Faust, J., Yao, J., Komaki, R., Stevens, C., Swisher, S., Putnam, J.B., Vaporciyan, A., Smythe, R., Walsh, G., Rice, D., and Roth, J. Irinotecan/cisplatin followed by 5-FU/paclitaxel/radiotherapy and surgery in esophageal cancer. Oncology, 17(9 Suppl 8):20-22, 2003.
16. Ahamad, A., Stevens, C.W., Smythe, W.R., Liao, Z. Vaporciyan, A.A., Rice, D., Walsh, G., Guerrero, T., Chang, J., Bell, B., Komaki, R., and Forster, K.M. Promising early local control of malignant pleural mesothelioma following postoperative intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) to the chest. Cancer J., 9(6):476-484, 2003.
17. Vaporciyan, A.A., Correa, A.M., Rice, D.C., Roth, J.A., Smythe, W.R., Swisher, S.G., Walsh, G.L., and Putnam, J.B., Jr. Risk factors associated with atrial fibrillation after noncardiac thoracic surgery: analysis of 2588 patients. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 127(3):779-786, 2004.
18. Agarwal, B., Swisher, S., Ajani, J., Kelly, K., Fannin, C., Komaki, R.R., Putnam, J.B., Jr., Abu-Hamada, E., Molke, K.L., Walsh, G.L., Correa, A.M., Ho, L., Liao, Z., Lynch, P.M., Rice, D.C., Smythe, W.R., Stevens, C.W., Vaporciyan, A.A., Yao, J., and Roth, J.A. Endoscopic ultrasound after pre-operative chemoradiation can help identify patients who benefit maximally after surgical esophageal resection. Gastroinstest. Endosc., in press, 2004.
19. Rice, D.C., Correa, A., Putnam, J.B., Roth, J.A., Smythe, W.R., Ajani, J., Vaporciyan, A., Walsh, G.L., Swisher, S.G. Induction chemoradiotherapy prior to esophagectomy in elderly patients is not associated with increased morbidity. Ann. Thorac. Surg., in press, 2004.
20. Swisher, S.G., Erasmus, J., Maish, M., Correa, A.M., Ajani, J.A., Cox, J.D., Komaki, R.R., Hong, D., Lee, H.K., Macapinlac, H., Putnam, Jr., J.B., Rice, D.C., Smythe, W.R., Thai, L.K., Vaporciyan, A.A., Walsh, G.L., Wu, T.T., and Roth, J.A. FDG-PET imaging predicts pathologic response and survival after preoperative chemoradiation in patients with esophageal cancer. Cancer, in press, 2004.
21. Reardon, M.J., Wlakes, J.-C.M., and
Rice, D. Autotransplantation for central non-small cell
lung cancer in patients with poor pulmonary function. Ann.
Thorac. Surg., in press, 2004.