Wales Considering Proposals for Expanded Mesothelioma Compensation
Wales, UK - Government officials have begun reviewing proposals to improve medical care and compensation for individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma.
The proposals were introduced by John Hutton the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. They will provide government benefits for all victims regardless of where their exposure occurred.
Currently the only people eligible to receive state compensation are those receiving the Industrial Industries Disablement Benefit.
The new regulations would provide up-front financial support to people who were previously not eligible within 6 weeks of the filing date. This new group includes people:
- Exposed to asbestos from a relative (e.g. from their overalls)
- Exposed to asbestos environmentally (e.g. lived near a factory using asbestos)
- Self-employed; and those who can't trace their exposure to asbestos.
If approved, payments could start as early as next year.
To offset the expected costs, a compensation recovery process will be introduced so that state payments are recovered if a civil compensation claim is subsequently successful. Recovered funds will be recycled to make up-front payments to all new mesothelioma claimants.