- South Korea
Environmental Group Urges Government Study
- Asbestos
Closes York Primary School
- Hong Kong
Moves to Compensate Mesothelioma Victims
- Australia
Adds Alimta to Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
- Report
Examines Asbestos Exposure at one Derby School
- Alang Shipyard
Seeking Outside Firm for Asbestos Removal
- South
Korean Family Wins Landmark Case
- Review
Finds 63 Cases of Major Asbestos Violations
- Scotland
Moves to Re-institute Compensation for Pleural Plaques
- Asbestos Victims Memorialized in Rochdale
- Ruling Restricts Asbestos Compensation
- Asbestos Contamination a Serious Problem
for Aberdeen Schools
- Ruling to Set New Legal Precedent for
UK Victims
- Another Australian Town Grapples With Asbestos
- Alarming Mesothelioma Rates Near Abandoned
Japanese Factory
- UK Study: Workers Dismissing Asbestos
- New South Wales Mesothelioma Registry
to Be Eliminated
- India's Supreme Court to Hear "Blue
Lady" Case
- South
Africa to Vote on Asbestos Ban
- Wales
Considering Proposals for Expanded Mesothelioma Compensation
- New Mesothelioma
Research Center to Open in Sydney
- Companies
Fined After Failing to Comply with Asbestos Regulations
- The
British Lung Foundation's Mesothelioma Charter
- Asbestos
Time Bomb May Kill 120,000 in UK
- Boysenberries
might impede mesothelioma
- Payout Finalized
in James Hardie Deal
- Seoul Subways
Inundated with Asbestos
- The Ghost
Ships of Hartlepool
- UK Asbestos
Compensation Bill Explained
- Asbestos to be removed from 58 story building
- Demonstrators
demand asbestos inquiry
- Alstom Power Boiler
liable for exposing workers to asbestos
The Future of Asbestos in the World
While the risks of asbestos continue to come to the forefront of society, a number of major industrial countries continue to use or allow asbestos to be manufactured, imported, and used in everyday products.
The United States continues to allow asbestos to be used EPA regulated the substance beginning in 1989 allowing only 6 forms to be used.
Recent actions within the United States have been the formation of a number of political action groups lobbying for its removal. This recent groundswell has been reinforced by Sen. Patty Murray D-Wash who proposed the Ban Asbestos in America bill in May 2003 which would outlaw the substance and increase funding for treatment and research for those suffering from asbestos related conditions like mesothelioma.
Here is a list of countries that have completely banned asbestos and no longer engage in the production or trade of it: (As of 2005)
Chile | Cyprus | Finland |
Ireland | Kuwait | Latvia |
Malta | Monaco | New Zealand |
Norway | Slovenia | Sweden |
The following is a list of countries that have banned asbestos but still produce it in small quantities or trade it:
Argentina | Australia | Austria |
Belgium | Croatia | Czech Republic |
Denmark | Estonia | France |
Germany | Greece | Hungary |
Iceland | Italy | Japan |
Lithuania | Luxembourg | Poland |
Portugal | Saudi Arabia | Slovakia |
South Africa | Spain | Switzerland |
The Netherlands | United Kingdom | Uruguay |
The following countries have ratified ILO 162. The International Labor Organization holds conferences that aim to address a specific workplace concerns and convened in 1986 to formulate rules on asbestos in the workplace. They created a set of rules to encourage employee safety from asbestos exposure by focusing on setting standards and responsibilities for company’s and governments. The following countries as of 2005 have signed their proclamation:
Belgium | Bolivia | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
Brazil | Cameroon | Canada |
Chile | Colombia | Croatia |
Cyprus | Ecuador | Finland |
Germany | Guatemala | Japan |
Macedonia | Portugal | Russia |
Serbia & Montenegro | Slovenia | Switzerland |
Uganda | Uruguay | Zimbabwe |